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What else will be taken from children through the actions of selfish generations?  I never dreamed the singing of children specifically would be under threat.  Singing represents so much that is human, including resistance movements. I thought of Capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art form, a circle or “Roda” forms around two players and there is call and response singing while a game/fight takes place. It originated when Angolan slaves pretended Capoeira was just a game as they trained under their captives’ noses and some used it to escape to Quilombo communities and live free.  Their heroes are immortalised in the songs. Capoeira singing strengthens their descendants' spirits in the face of their on-going oppression. 

Actually singing and resistance takes me back to being in a house where parents, aunties and uncles would often break out the Irish Rebel Songs and having singalongs. Our own colonising of Aotearoa disavowed.  Rebellion songs are heroic and can eclipse when the story has changed.  Sally Weintrobe did talk about the need for transformation of the psyche, not just a change in the people in power.

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